Has my package shipped yet? How do I track my order?

When you place an order, you'll receive a confirmation email that will show your order's shipping date.

When your package ships, we’ll send you an email that contains your order's tracking info.

If it’s getting close to your expected arrival date and your package hasn’t shipped yet, try not to freak out. We’ve got shipping centers on both sides of the country, and often get packages delivered within a day or two of being shipped from the warehouse.

If you selected a delayed delivery date during checkout, your order typically will ship a day or two before the date you selected for delivery.  Orders typically will ship within 2 business days of your order being completed unless you selected a specific delivery date from our date picker calendar at checkout.

If you’re in dire need of reassurance, or something seems to have gone wrong, don’t hesitate to get in touch by clicking here. Real humans will do their best to get back to you within four business hours.